Male Blepharoplasty, otherwise known as cosmetic eyelid surgery, comes with different and specific preoperative instructions, surgical techniques, recovery period times and potential side effects for every patient. There will been additional information discussed that is patient specific, although, this is a general guideline about what you can expect, after your male eyelid surgery. You are always encouraged to ask all questions before and after your surgery. Often, each patient has different procedures take place during their cosmetic eyelid procedure. This is due to, again, every patient having different corrective demands and attainable outcomes customized for them.
Your eyes usually are the first facial features to show signs of aging. Reason being is the excess skin, on the upper eyelids often accompany the tiny wrinkles, around the lower eyelids. This is what produces the perpetual look of tiredness. This is the most common reason as to the large amount of eyelid cosmetic procedures Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Kole Plastic Surgery performed, over the past year. During lower eyelid surgery, your excess lower eyelid skin and protruding fat is removed and the lower eyelid muscle is suspended to its’ more youthful position. There have been major advancements in cosmetic surgery and now, through the upper eyelid incision, your eyebrow can be corrected to a higher, natural position, as well as removing the protruding and hanging excess upper eyelid skin. Dr. Kole performs many male eyelid procedures in conjunction with a Male Eyebrow Lift. For those men who can benefit from combining these procedures, the results are outstanding leading to a more open eye appearance with elimination of lower eyelid bags and upper eyelid droop.
Immediately following your surgery small sterile bandages may be applied to your incision areas. Ointment is placed in the eyes to help prevent immediate dryness. This also helps in not needing to cover your eyes. In the recovery room, patients are generally watched by our expert medical staff for 1—2 hours. Vision is checked frequently due to this being the critical time that any bleeding complications can occur. You will remain rested in a quiet area with your head elevated on pillows and with cool moist saline dressings and an ice pack. Once cleared you may leave only if another adult is present to drive.
Your bruising and swelling will show up soon enough. They usually peak anytime between 12—36 hours post-op and begin to settle down with the help of cold compresses, head elevation while lying down and proper hydration. Oozing usually happens throughout the first 24 hours, as well. Ointments and eye drops will help keep any infection from developing and you will have a follow-up appointment at the office 2-3 days later. You must attend your follow-up appointments so that Dr. Kole can monitor your healing.
It will be up to you to keep your eyelids clean during recovery. Full instructions will be given, along with a list of activities and outdoor areas to avoid in the first 2 weeks following your male eyelid surgery. Your eyes may feel dry, itchy or sticky and this is a temporary phenomenon. Within 5-6 days permanent sutures will be removed. Self-absorbing sutures dissolve in their own time. Dr. Kole suggests keeping your head elevated and avoiding any sleep that is face down during a 2 week period. This will help guarantee any new bleeding from occurring. Any men who wish to keep their eyelid enhancement surgery completely unknown to workers, neighbors and peers, it is suggested to plan on a full three weeks prior to returning to the general public.
Please contact The Kole Plastic Surgery Center at 215-315-7655 to schedule your complimentary consultation with Kole Plastic Surgery. Our Office and Licensed Ambulatory Surgical Center is conveniently located at: 1122 Street Rd STE 100, Southampton, PA 18966.