Male Liposuction and The Factors That Influence The Cost

For men contacting the office for a male liposuction procedure, one of the top questions is about the cost. This is common with most procedures. As with other procedures, there are several factors that go into determining cost.

Whether it is a small bit of fat removed from the neck or liposuction around the abdominals, “Man Boobs” or love handle area after years of fat accumulation, men have a desire to look better. Men also tend to be less informed about the ins and outs of male cosmetic surgery.

Much of the information about plastic surgery is found through watching TV, reading magazines,  or speaking with others who have had similar procedures. The perception is it is just not as common for men to have these experiences compared to women.

At The Kole Plastic Surgery Center, our goal is to help all patients fully understand the details of their cosmetic surgery needs and for all patients to be comfortable with their procedures, including its cost.

While costs will vary for numerous reasons, here are some general guidelines when researching the cost of male liposuction.

Don’t Shop On Price, Decide On Experience.

The first thing to keep in mind when considering the cost of a liposuction procedure is that this is NOT the time to bargain hunt.  Unlike your search for the best deal for a lawnmower, searching for a “deal” in liposuction could set you back later.

Liposuction is not simply a product that you buy; you are also paying for the services of an expert and various important accommodations.  In some sense, what you pay for is what you get, and if you pay less, you might get a surgeon of lesser quality who is not as familiar with the procedure or not as skilled in performing it.

Even if you save some money on the procedure, you may be regretting your decision later if you need corrective surgery to fix any unsightly scars or puckered skin that results from a mediocre liposuction procedure.  Ultimately, trying to save money on your liposuction procedure might cost you more in the long run.

Your New Look Goals Influence Your Liposuction Costs

While procedurally male and female liposuction is almost identical, the reasons why males and females elect liposuction may be different, and their ultimate goals of surgery might also differ.  Many men coming into our office emphasize that they want subtle changes that only they and their partners might notice.

They want to rid themselves of excess fat without drawing attention to themselves, and only to appear more natural fit to others.  Women tend to want more fat removed, and also tend to emphasize less the fear that others will notice they had liposuction.  For this reason, liposuction for men is a subtle procedure, and often times men look like they lost less weight or slimmed down less than a female might after liposuction.

Given that men want more subtle results, liposuction procedures might vary between male and female surgeries.  Men might require less liposuction in a particular area but might require more precision.

Size Matters… To The Cost Of Male Liposuction!

Another factor that affects the cost of liposuction is the size of the patient.  Gender matters when considering this factor because men tend to be larger than women in many areas including the arms, abdomen, and flank areas.  Much of the information available on the internet is geared towards liposuction for women, so any price quotes may be in the general ballpark of what your liposuction will cost, but may not take into consideration factors such as time in surgery that might increase the cost.

Dr. Kole suggests doing your research and looking up male-specific plastic surgery procedures and their accompanying costs to avoid being misled.  He suggests finding plastic surgeons who have a section dedicated to male procedures on their website like the Kole Plastic Surgery Center features male procedures at

We believe it is important to keep in mind that cost estimates are not exact and should not be looked at as a starting point prior to a consultation.  A consultation with your plastic surgeon is an important first step in the surgical process, as it gives the surgeon an opportunity to find out what you want out of liposuction and it also gives your surgeon the chance to assess what the specific individual needs.

The costs will differ patient to patient because each individual patient’s body is very unique and will require different amounts of time in surgery, different amounts of fat removed, and different accompanying surgeries and recovery.

The costs for liposuction, as with any cosmetic surgical procedure consists of:

  • The surgeon’s fee for the procedure which is based on time and complexity of the procedure.
  • The facility fee where the procedure is being performed   (Surgical center or Hospital)
  • Anesthesia fee (if it is separate from the facility fee.)

The facilities fee is based on the amount of time of surgery, the length of recovery, and the hard costs; (tubing, supplies, suture, drapes, garments, etc)

The Anesthesia Fee Is Usually Based On Time.

Male liposuction surgeon’s fee for the chest starts at $2000, the abdomen and love handles at $3500, and the neck at $1000.  These are general starting prices and do not include the facility or anesthesia fees.

Having your procedure performed at our licensed Ambulatory Surgical Center in Southampton attached to our medical office can save several hundred dollars off your procedure as compared to the local area hospitals. In addition, at the Kole Plastic Surgery Center, we only use Board Certified Anesthesiologists to provide anesthesia and our facility which matches and exceeds guidelines in place since COVID-19. You can assure your procedure will be handled with the highest level of safety, sanitation and cleanliness around.

Ultimately, the best way to find out how much your liposuction will cost is to schedule a FREE consultation appointment today with Dr. Kole.  Please call the office at 215-315-7655 to set up your private consultation and get the answers you seek, peace of mind, and closer to your desired body goals.

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