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Teenagers and Nose Jobs near Philadelphia and Bucks County

Nose Jobs, known medically as Rhinoplasty is the top surgery teenagers request from plastic surgeons. Some reasons that this is the number one requested surgery are due to the awkward teenage years and different types of embarrassment and low self-esteem and general unhappiness about their appearance. The main fact reported by teens is that their nose stands out and teens report feeling extremely self-conscious throughout their middle and high school years. Unfortunately, large unattractive noses are cause for much teasing and sometimes verbal bullying. While a nose job might fix these particular problems, in addition to ongoing breathing trouble from a deviated septum, parents need to begin by talking openly with their teens about all of the reasons this procedure is desired, as well as, the surgeon that is the best match for you and your teen and most important all of the facts about what Rhinoplasty involves from start to finish.

Rhinoplasty is almost always aesthetically and psychologically satisfying for teenagers only when they have a realistic understanding of their own expectations and motivations. The same remains true for adults having elective cosmetic surgery. Feeling better about oneself is what the motivating factor should be, not trying to make others happy with how the teen looks or looking like other people or another person. If this is the underlying motivation then the patient won’t be happy with any improvements. A nose job won’t change the pressures or universal anxieties that teenagers must face on a day to day basis. Improving the look and awkwardness of a teen’s nose will fix and put facial features in proportion, which then, frequently boosts confidence in teen patients. The general result from this does allow most teens to want to be in school and socialize, work harder for better grades and become, overall, a part of the school experience, socially and academically. It is often a life altering event, with emotionally sound teens undergoing Rhinoplasty, prior to the procedure.

Most important when considering a teenager’s nose job is to know all about the surgeon you will be using and their training, experience, reviews, attitude towards safety and that they are Board Certified in Plastic Surgery. Each Rhinoplasty is different and is planned ahead of time, based on individual faces, each with their own unique features. Teenagers should know that based on how complex their procedure, five to seven days of school may have to be missed. Often the surgery is scheduled during some school vacation time to cut back on missed days. For three to four weeks, normally, rigorous activities and sports are not permitted. It sometimes takes up to a full year to heal completely, showing the final results.

Usually a nose job isn’t performed on girls until they are 16 and boys at age 17. Following this guideline allows for a teen patient to hit full growth. While there are exceptions as follows:

  • Surgery is being performed for breathing difficulties
  • Some teens that reached maturity/puberty early
  • If a teen is determined to have reached full growth by ages 14 or 15 then a teen may undergo surgery earlier

Contact The Kole Plastic Surgery Center Center today to discuss your teenager’s Rhinoplasty at 215-315-7655 . Schedule a complimentary consultation with Kole Plastic Surgery. Our office and Licensed Ambulatory Surgical Center is conveniently located at: [primary_address] Southampton, PA,

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