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Common Questions to Consider when Thinking About Getting the Kybella Treatment

Kybella is a revolutionary non-invasive cosmetic procedure through which many people are getting rid of their double chins. While this area is exceedingly difficult to lose fat from, Kybella has proven to work miraculously well, giving amazing visible results. If you’ve been considering getting the Kybella treatment to get the chiseled jaw line of your dreams, here are some common questions you should keep in mind.

What is the active ingredient in Kybella?

Kybella is a synthetic form of an acid which is responsible for the breakdown of fats in the body, deoxycholic acid. This compound is naturally found in the body so when Kybella is injected in the area, there are no allergic or adverse reactions to it, if it is administered correctly.

How does it Work?

Kybella immediately starts to break down the fat membrane and begin distribution of the fatty contents found in the membrane. These fatty contents are then metabolized by the body as they normally would. In short, Kybella greatly boosts your body’s ability to break down and process fats in the area it is injected in.

How Effective Is It?

Ever since it was introduced in the marketplace, Kybella has proven to be effective for everyone who has chosen to undergo the treatment. While the process is going to be slow, Kybella does have visible results. Therefore, don’t expect the changes to appear overnight and be patient.

With Kybella, your sessions will be spaced at intervals of a month or more to give you time to recover from each session. Depending on how many sessions you need and your ability to heal, it can take a few months before you get to see the jaw line you want.

Why Should I opt for it?

As compared to other options, such as liposuction or surgically removing the fat deposits under the skin, Kybella is the safest so far. While you may get instant results with liposuction and surgical removal of fat, these  procedures have side effects and complications as well.

Moreover, the upper neck area is a particularly sensitive area and it does take a lot of time for people to recover from these procedures. With Kybella, you can skip the risk of injury and minimize the pain factor you might encounter. The gradual breakdown of the fat deposits over the months also allows you to get used to the new jaw line you’re getting.

Who Can Administer It?

While there are minimum risks involved in this treatment plan, Kybella can only be administered by a Board Certified plastic surgeon. This is because Kybella has to be injected with care to ensure that no injury is done to the marginal mandibular nerve and must undergo a training program prior to being allowed to purchase and inject Kybella for your skin rejuvenation.

Located near the jaw, if this marginal mandibular nerve is accidentally injured, it is possible for one to experience difficulty in swallowing or even suffer from weakened facial muscles, which greatly limits the ability to show facial expressions.

If you’re looking to try the Kybella treatment, call Kole Plastic Surgery of The Kole Plastic Surgery Center at 215-315-7655 or contact us by filling out our online form to get a complimentary consultation. In the expert hands of Dr. Kole, you can minimize potential adverse effects or problems.

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